RefNote: The evolution of multiple active site configurations in a designed enzyme KE07 & Evolutionary Optimization of Computationally Designed Enzymes: Kemp Eliminases of the KE07 Series

Evolutionary Optimization of Computationally Designed Enzymes: Kemp Eliminases of the KE07 Series

The evolution of multiple active site configurations in a designed enzyme

  • Important experimental protocol reference (background reaction; Arrhenius kinetics)

(JMB 2010) Evolutionary Optimization of Computationally Designed Enzymes: Kemp Eliminases of the KE07 Series

This work did following to understand the KE07 DE process:

  • crystal structural based analysis
  • pH optimum experiment

Evolution change of KE07

  • The salt bridge between E101 and K222 influence the pKa of E101
    • I7D break this salt bridge to enhance the catalysis
      • D7I in R7 cause kcat/Km decrease
      • pH optimum after the mutation increased to ~6 from <4.5
    • K222 in R7 is important
      • K222A in R7 cause 500-fold kcat/Km decrease
      • K222A in KE07 cause ~3-fold kcat/Km increase
      • didn’t give any reason that make sense
  • The H-bonding network in 201-202-224 make H201 in a position of stabilizing TS
    • N224D form H-bond with R202 and H201 that make them closer to the substrate
    • the relationship between closer H201 and lower TS - R is not well explained

(Nat. Comm.) The evolution of multiple active site configurations in a designed enzyme

This work did following to understand the KE07 DE process:

  • crystal structural based analysis
  • KIE kinetics (how did they used that)
  • Arrhenius kinetics in 8 temperature
  • PROPKA calculation of E101
  • fluorescence spectroscopy pf W50 (to probe the negative charge density on E101)
  • HREX-MD enhanced sampling (for E101 conformation, modelled w/o ligand)
  • EVB calcualtion of the reaction barrier of the 3 configs.

Mechanism of KE07

  • If the pH value goes too high (too basic), the HIS tag will be deprotonated and bind into the pocket.
  • After R4, present of product will break K222 salt bridge and form H bond with oxyanion of the product
  • W50A signicantly reduce kcat

Evolution change of KE07

  • R4: significantly lower Ea
    • I7D lead to breaking of the salt bridge: better electrostatics but worse dynamics on E101 conformer (see the JMB paper)
  • R5&R6: mainly the entropy part. Ea even increased from R5 to R6. (So it is actually reasonable)
    • (???) based on 6DNJ they think R5 developed an additional catalytically competent conformation. (but it seems not a valid structure)
      • And they can only observe conf. B when HIS tag is binding
      • But HREX-MD sampled it and EVB suggests it works.
    • really developed a new conformation C of W50 and is dominated. Conf. C is forming H-bond with E101 which pre-organize it for catalysis
      • which is lower is activation barrier in this conformation comparing to A. (Prob due to organize E101)


studies related to KE07-R7-2 should use 6CT3 as the starting structure. (Use config )