AutoDock Note

Docking is one of the key problem bringing the substrate to the enzyme modeling. But most current docking methods performs poorly with larger substrates. This note record usages of the AutoDock Vina for testing.

Site Specific Docking (Autodock Vina)

就是通过grid box的选取来决定site

Input files

1. pdbqt file for protein

Start with the pdb file of the apo protein:

  • Remove water (Can it work with the key water?)

  • Add Hydrogens (What’s the difference between polar only or not)

  • File formating: (pdb) -> (pdbqt)

    2. pdbqt file for ligand

  • File formating: (pdb) -> (pdbqt)

    3. Configuration file

  • Grid bot setting
    This limited grid box achieves the site specification by containing only the key residues.
    所以需要自动决定Grid box来实现高通量 调查一下一般的选择条件
    A txt file that contains (grid.txt)

    spacing ###
    npts ## ## ##
    center ## ## ##
  • Job setting (conf.txt)

    receptor= protein.pdbqt
    ligand= SO.pdbqt
    center_x= ###
    center_y= ###
    center_z= ###
    size_x= ##
    size_y= ##
    size_z= ##
    out= vina_outSO.pdbqt
    log= logSO.txt
    exhaustiveness= 8

Run Vina

./vina -–config conf.txt -–log logSO.txt

Python binding (Autodock python)