Plot IGM analysis with PyMol

Plot IGM analysis with PyMol

Plot IGM analysis from Multiwfn using PyMol. IGM is an useful analysis of spatial distribution of steric hindrance. Plotting IGM result is much easier and looks better in PyMol.

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Run IGM analysis

  • Save optimized geometry as .mol2 file
    So that can be opened by both Multiwfn and Gview

  • load into Multiwfn & run IGM

    2 // 2 fragments
    [atom index] // fragment #1 (atom group tool from Gview helps)
    [atom index] // fragment #2
    2 // grid quality
    3 // save files to current dir

    Now we have dg_inter.cub, dg_intra.cub, dg.cub and sl2r.cub.

Plot with PyMol

  • load the .mol2, dg_inter.cub and sl2r.cub into PyMol.
  • Use “Other Visualization Settings for structures” from
  • Build Isosurface
    isosurface IGM1, dg_inter.cub, 0.01
    set transparency, 0.2
    Grammer: isosurface {new object name}, {.cub name}, {isovalue}
  • Color the surface with sl2r
    ramp_new ramp1, sl2r, [-0.05, 0, 0.05], [blue, white, red]
    color ramp1, IGM1