PyMol & Multiwfn Electrostatic Potential (ESP) Visualization

PyMol & Multiwfn Electrostatic Potential (ESP) Visualization

Generate ESP .cub file from the Multiwfn and plot it in PyMol

Related Multiwfn Documents

Related PyMol Documents

Generate .fchk file with Gaussian

  • Run a single point calculation and save the wavefuncation information to the .chk file %chk=xxx.chk
  • Make the formchk file and refine it with sed. (Make it readable to GaussView)
    for i in *.chk; do formchk $i ${i%chk}fchk && sed -i 's/MM charges/MM charge /g' ${i%chk}fchk && sed -i 's/MicOpt/Opt   /g' ${i%chk}fchk; done

Generate .cub file with Multiwfn

Single file

  • set the cubegen path in $Multiwfn_HOME/setting.ini
    This greatly accelerate the calculation
  • open Multiwfn.exe
  • load the .fchk file
  • Run ESP calculation
    The following numbers are the Multiwfn control-index
    5     # Output and plot specific property within a spatial region (calc. grid data)
    1 # Electron density
    2 # Medium quality grid, covering whole system
    2 # Export data to Gaussian-type cube file in current folder
    Here we got the .cub file for ESP isosurface density.cub
    0     # Return to main menu
    5 # Output and plot specific property within a spatial region (calc. grid data)
    12 # Total electrostatic potential (ESP)
    1 # Low quality grid , covering whole system
    # Running: "cubegen 4 potential=SCF xxx.fchk ESPresult.cub -1 h ESPgridtmp.cub > nouseout"
    2 # Export data to Gaussian-type cube file in current folder
    Here we got the .cub file for ESP color mapping totesp.cub

Multiple file

A .bat/.ps1 file can help dealing with multiple .fchk

Multiwfn XXX.fchk < ESPiso.txt
move /Y density.cub density1.cub
move /Y totesp.cub ESP1.cub

The .txt file contain the control-index listed above

Visualize the surface with PyMol

  • open the structure (save a .mol2 from any of the .cub) and these two .cub files
  • Use “Other Visualization Settings for structures” from
  • Build Isosurface
    isosurface ESP1, density, 0.002
    set transparency, 0.2
    Grammer: isosurface {new object name}, {.cub name}, {isovalue}
  • Color the surface with ESP
    ramp_new ramp1, totesp, [0, 0.3, 0.36], [blue, white, red]
    color ramp1, ESP1
    Grammer: ramp_new {new object name}, {ESP .cub name}, [Value list], [Corresponding color list]
    Grammer: color {color object}, {object}

The extreme point analysis

In Multiwfn with the .fchk loaded

12          # Quantitative analysis of molecular surface
3 # Spacing of grid points for generating molecular surface: 0.250000
0 # Start analysis now!
5 # Export molecule as pdb format file (optional)
6 # Export all surface vertices to vtx.pdb in current folder (optional)
2 # Export surface extrema as pdb file

Maxima is presented as carbon
Minima is presented as oxygen