GSM on hoffman2

GSM on hoffman2


wiki from the developer (

Tiptorial form Tyler Benton (On Hof2: /u/project/houk/tylerben/shared/GSM/readme.txt)

Tutorial from the Zimmerman Group (

Personal notes on using GSM with different software on hoffman2.

Create Working Directory

copy the reference directory to make a new one

cp /u/project/houk/tylerben/shared/GSM/xxxx_GSM/template ./[project_name]

GSM with Gaussian

File setting

gstart - set gaussian input route line // Need the Force keyword

ggrad - Only need to be sure the script is specifying the correct G16 path.

inpfileq - The setting for gsm
The only 3 that may need to changes

    • 0 for rotation / 1 for bond change
    • Max number of nodes used for GSM.
    • odd number from 9-15 for DE-GSM
    • higher value to fit more complicated PES
    • Select SSM/GSM/FSM

If use job queue
.cmd - job submission script

  • job/out name
  • core/memory

Run the job

  • Put the input geometry in with 2 structures in a row.
  • mkdir scratch and place under the ./scratch/
  • chmod +x gsm.gaussian

Use qrsh

  • run qrsh to land on the node
  • load module load gaussian
  • Use export OMP_NUM_THREADS=# to set the cores GSM main program uses.
  • run the job with ./gsm.gaussian 1 1 >> test.log 2>&1 &
    • the first number is for specifying the initial000# file.
    • the second number is for ncpu value in Gaussian input. (for xtb: The in total cpu uses are “ncpu * OMP_NUM_THREADS”. Not sure what it is in gaussian. I tried to set them both into 24 and request a 24 core node. It seems just using 24 cores.

Use submission script

source .bashrc and put the above command used on the compt node in the script.

Restart a job

  • rename to (same number)
  • In inpfileq: change RESTART to 1

(somehow if hasn’t pop up yet, just resubmit the job would work.)

Aborted with core* files and says chk file is empty
The program misjudge the bond pair. Most likely confused by the leaving group.


  • Load cmake > 3.17.0

BTW, is it nessessary to build a new one in a new server?


  • Energy unit is kcal/mol. more
  • It seems the original GSM is not in active maintance. Instead they are more active on the pyGSM now.