Utilize Orbital Overlap with Multiwfn

Utilize Orbital Overlap with Multiwfn

Using the overlap integral function in Multiwfn with some potential usages.


In Gaussian

Prepare the Input for fragment(pop=full) and complex(pop=full IOp(3/33=1)). The files are same for CDA analysis, so it’s convenient to do both.

In Multiwfn

Input the complex and fragments:


This give the overlap integral(S) for multiplying wavefunction of Orbital_frag1 and Orbital_frag2

Potential usages

In competing TSs:

  • Spatial overlap difference (e.g. steric effect)
    • Demo directly (e.g. steric effect and how it influence the electronic effect)
  • Atomic coefficient difference
    • A validation
    • Utilize the $ \frac{S^2}{d\epsilon} $ to weight difference in different orbitals
  • Overall Coefficient difference(Polarzation)